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​10 Signs You Have What It Takes to be a Barre Instructor

Posted by Stephanie Lyons, owner of Barre Intensity on 8th Sep 2015

“If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life”

If you participate in group fitness you’ve probably thought a time or ten “I wonder if this is something I can teach?” We can’t speak for all fitness techniques but we can speak to barre; in particular, Barre Intensity. How do we know? Because we are a barre technique and instructor training program. We work with those who are just starting their fitness career as well as veterans with 20 years in the industry.

If the signs are in your favor, take the next step and register for an instructor training weekend.

1. When you hear the word “barre” you’re not thinking the pub down the street

Not only do you know the word barre pertains to group fitness, but you can “tuck” on command and “embrace the shake”. If you had it your way you’d be taking a barre class daily.

2. You believe in reinventing yourself

You find joy in learning new skills and improving old ones. There are no risks when it comes to investing in you.

3. You can’t help but tap to the beat of the music

Rock n’ Roll, Country, R & B, Hip Hop, House… if it has a beat you’ll find it. Music fuels your movement.

4. You weren’t on Broadway, but that doesn’t mean you don’t love to dance

Your ballet career might have peaked at the age of 5 but you can still point your toe, kick your leg, and move your hips. You pride yourself on being able to lead a group at the Cha-Cha Slide.

5. You’re not afraid to sweat

To you, sweat is not just your body’s way of sparkling, its affirmation that you are creating change within yourself. Good things come to those who sweat.

6. You thrive in a group setting

Your confidence soars and your energy rises in a room of ten or more. You live by the motto “the more the merrier”.

7. Health and fitness are priorities

When faced with a strawberry shake or green smoothie, you’ll always choose the green smoothie. Eating healthy and staying active isn’t a chore; it’s necessary for a clear head.

8. You are disciplined

Nothing worth having comes easy and that’s just the way you like it. You understand that in order to be great you must take yourself out of your comfort zone and put in the time to practice.

9. You are good with words

Not only can you clearly and succinctly describe what you want but you can encourage and motivate as well.

10. There is a drawer in your dresser dedicated to leggings

Yes, leggings are pants. You wear them to workout, to run errands and sometimes to bed. Your wish list always includes a lululemon gift card. 

Make sure to choose Custom Barres for your new Barre Studio!